"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Krugman Credits Bloggers!

Krugman: Voting and Counting

By the way, why does the Gallup poll, which is influential because of its illustrious history, report a large Bush lead when many other polls show a dead heat? It's mostly because of how Gallup determines "likely voters": the poll shows only a three-point Bush lead among registered voters. And as the Democratic poll expert Ruy Teixeira points out (using data obtained by Steve Soto, a liberal blogger), Gallup's sample of supposedly likely voters contains a much smaller proportion of both minority and young voters than the actual proportions of these voters in the 2000 election.

I think his credits to Teixeria and Soto mark a NY Times first, though real insiders must still wonder when and if he'll credit Brad Delong, who's often a week or two ahead of him on economic analysis (sometimes they use the same charts). However, here he's tackling a distorted media perception and a pattern of disenfranchisement, not economics. His conclusion is red hot, incendiary:

But we must not repeat the mistake of 2000 by refusing to acknowledge the possibility that a narrow Bush win, especially if it depends on Florida, rests on the systematic disenfranchisement of minority voters. And the media must not treat such a suspect win as a validation of skewed reporting that has consistently overstated Mr. Bush's popular support.

While most other columnists are running out the clock with recycled conventional wisdom and bland metaphors, Krugman is bringing heat in the 9th inning, throwing all his fastballs. And why the hell not? Why not go all the hell out? Yeah! Let's fucking bury these goddamn crooks!

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Wouldn't it be great if we could coax Neal Pollack out of retirement and do an interview with him or get him to write us an editorial or something? I miss that guy's sense of humor.

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Jon Stewart on CROSSFIRE!

Jon Stewart was on CNN's CROSSFIRE today, declaring it all theater, declaring the lunch naked, making known the opinion of many that such a farcical slapfigh passing for the highest level of political discourse is in fact hurtful for the country and for democracy. Watching Carlson and Begalia do their best to laugh it off, you really get a sense of how hollow that whole scene is. Stewart's on the main nerve now: it's not Bush that's the problem. He's not even all that good a politician.

What's wrong is the system that let him do what he has done.

Jon, you are now my personal hero, not in any romantic sense, but in the mythic sense that I identify with your struggle and wish that I could do the things you are able to do. My hat is off.

Bittorrent link here. Pass it on!

(what the heck is "bittorrent?")

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Jon Stewart on CROSSFIRE!

Jon Stewart was on CNN's CROSSFIRE today, declaring it all theater, declaring the lunch naked, making known the opinion of many that such a farcical slapfigh passing for the highest level of political discourse is in fact hurtful for the country and for democracy. Watching Carlson and Begalia do their best to laugh it off, you really get a sense of how hollow that whole scene is. Stewart's on the main nerve now: it's not Bush that's the problem. He's not even all that good a politician.

What's wrong is the system that let him do what he has done.

Jon, you are now my personal hero, not in any romantic sense, but in the mythic sense that I identify with your struggle and wish that I could do the things you are able to do. My hat is off.

Bittorrent link here. Pass it on!

(what the heck is "bittorrent?")

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William Gibson is Blogging Again!

One of my early literay heroes is blogging again, after taking quite a long hiatus:


Because the United States currently has, as Jack Womack so succintly puts it, a president who makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln.

And because, as the Spanish philospher Unamuno said, "At times, to be silent is to lie."

See, George, now you've got the neuromancer on your ass too. What are you gonna do?

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The Many Forms of Blogging

I've realized what makes the Pandagonians so unique in their presence on the net. It's not their age -- there are a lot of 21-year-olds out there writing -- it's their amazing implementation of Parody.

That and this: I understand that I'm risking conservative blogger charges of treason (which rank up there with teenagers' charges of gayness in the realm of things that matter).

I have come back from the dead to -- wha'? oh! holy crap! mouse-over "characters".

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No One Cares If You Don't Vote.com

No One Cares If You Don't Vote.com

In case anyone else has idiot friends who aren't registered/aren't voting. It's a work in progress. Suggestions welcome.

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No One Cares If You Don't Vote.com

No One Cares If You Don't Vote.com

In case anyone else has idiot friends who aren't registered/aren't voting. It's a work in progress. Suggestions welcome.

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Email Problems

I'm having email problems. My hosting company and my spam-filtering service aren't working well with one another, and as a result email sent to me at outlanishjosh has a snail-mail-like delay of 3-days.

Sometimes the machines turn against you, and the only solution is to pay them tribute.

Update: It seems I was getting incoming spam faster than my service could filter it. To protect their server from overload, they'll pick up 50 messages every 7 minutes. Since I was apparently at times getting something like 10 spams a minute, my real email was sometimes going without being picked up. Amazing. I've tweaked some settings on my side and they opened it up to slurp in more messages on theirs, so hopefully my email will be back to normal.

But this just goes to show you what a total mess the email system is. An unwanted message every 6 seconds? That's unbelievable. The world of spam is crazy. For instance, did you know that 80% of spam comes from home computers (read: windows PCs) infected with malivious code that allows them to be used as spam-sending zombies by their devious masters?

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Firefox Goes 1.0 -- Download it Now

Firefox is the community-built web browser from the Mozilla foundation. You want it. It's fast, renders pages beautifully, is insanely standards-compliant, and it doesn't feed into any organization's potential (or active) plans to dominate the world wide web.

The internet was meant to be Free, but it only remains so as long as we make it that way. Firefox performs as well (or better) than any other browser I've used, and growing the userbase makes a strong case for Open standards, Public code, and a Free internet.

These things are all very important as we move forward into the information age. If you don't think the net is going to change human life as much as the steam engine, think again, and then think about what that will mean if a single corporation (or oligopoly syndicate) is allowed to dictate the terms.

Dig this kind of shit? Be an evangelist.

If you're already a Firefox user (as I've been for the past several months), upgrade today. If you use Safari, IE, or Netscape seriously give it a shot. It's stable, pretty, and fast. Try it out for two weeks and see if you don't love it. Strike a blow for a free web and get a better browser at the same time. You've got nothing to loose but your chains!

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