"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

"Red Mars" / Life is so Uncertain

Reading Red Mars, sociological sci-fi, gets me thinking about life in all its rich variety and how we never really know what's coming. The patterns that have led me to where I stand now, the wider world around me, and where I (and it) go next.

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Just Because You're Paranoid Don't Mean They're Not After You

Just to put some data in the chamber, I think Wikileaks is an important development. While the leaking of diplomatic cables is hardly cut and dry a blow for good, I strongly agree with the big-picture strategy. It's also clear that Julian Assange is being personally persecuted and the organization frozen out online. All of this has happened before. Keep that in mind when parsing the news.

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"The Big Short" / I Preach a Dark Future

Starting a new tag, "Things I Consumed," I'll tell you about the things that I read, ate, watched or otherwise consumed, but more what they made me think. First up is The Big Short, Michael Lewis' exploration of our latest financial bubble via the lenze of those who saw the end coming and had the balls to invest in collapse.

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I'mma Shed My Skin

I've been writing online at a relatively enthusiastic (if occasionally uneven) clip for nine years now. A lot of things have changed in all those days, and renewing my effort means taking a trip down memory lane to remember why, exactly, I started all this in the first place.

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