"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Yeah They Call Me The Seeker

Contempating leaving this coast... flights to NYC are $85 from Oakland on JetBlue. Even I can affort that! I need to get serious about logistics, schedules and the like. I've been thinking about Feb 15th as a departure date. It's two years since then that I did this.

protests in NYC

Easy to forget that stuff. I thought it would be a good thing to come back in on such a date. I'd set up a meeting for axiom, start doing lunch witih people, working out of the Tank. It would be wild, I tells ya. Wild.

To be a seeker again. An explorer. I don't want to sleep. I want to curl up with a bottomless hot toddy and be slightly numb and melancholy and vaguely hopeful for the future forever, to sit under the sodium-vapor yellow of streetlights and contemplate how it all got away. At the same time, I want to be on the move; to ride, to fly, to run, swerve and accelerate. To feel the force of life in motion. F = mA, dig? And A = delta-V over t... Without acceleration (change in velocity vector-wise) there's no feeling. Time to ramble with open eyes.

