"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Why The "War On Terror" Is A Fraud, Part XIV

A marketing effort for Aqua Teen Hunger Force is mistaken for a Terrorist Plot.

I feel safer already. I also love that the kids who were charged w/crimes here made the most of their press time.

If they're actually prosecuted for this, it will be a dangerous precedent, because it furthers the line of authoritarian thinking which basically goes "any time we think we're being threatened, we're being threatened, and we can strike back with deadly force." That's obviously bullshit. It's manipulative paranoia.

Note to all the people in charge: this is what's coming. There are millions of us out here who have no respect for the delusional way you do business, who realize the Emperor has no clothes, and we're going to have fun with it.

FWIW, I'd love to see Frylock zap OBL.

Meanwhile, the slow build viz Iran continues. Deja vu indeed.


This was my response, cobbled together rather quickly after watching CNN an hour ago.

Living in Boston, I may have a slightly different take on all this. First off, the city and state completely overreacted and blew this out of proportion. The man hours and money would have been much better spent trying to solve the murder wave and gang violence that are going on, but Terror makes for a better headline. And who do you think MA cops are going to care about more, black kids in Mattapan and Dorchester, or MIT and BU? Luckily, the judge presiding over the arraignment of the two men involved also sees through the emperor's clothes, which is why the charges of "hoax devices"(which as a valid charge in a court of law is suspect at best) will be thrown out, seeing as the intent was not to strike terror into the hearts of Bostonians.

That being said, how fucking stupid do they have to be at Turner, Interference Inc, and the two gentlemen in question to place unauthorized electronic devices the size of small bombss on bridges, overpasses, subway stations, and landmarks? How could they not expect some sort of reaction by authorities? What amazes me is that a big corporation like Turner with all of its lawyers, and most likely, very large compliance department, didn't think to maybe get permits, or at least notify local governements of this campaign. I'm a full supporter of condemning fear-mongering, paranoia, and state inspired hysteria, but there is the reality of a present reactionary government to consider, in Boston specifically, and elsewhere.

I think the whole incident exposed two idiots. The state and local authorities in Boston, who are overtly reactionary, and a little sensitive about the fact that 9/11 started here, were exposed as such, and the hypocrisy of hundreds of officers and tons of money being poured into finding bright-lites instead of building community programs to stem the tide of dying young African-Americans was given the light of day it deserves. Additionally, Turner, Interference, and this MassArt yahoo were exposed as dumbasses who clearly didn't think things through. This was no artistic installation, or protest, it was advertising, so let's not infuse any of this with romanticism, or free speech arguments. It was plain dumb on both sides. Ok, I've said my peace.
