"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Whiskey Bar: The Swiftboating of Kos


I mean, the idea that Kos could use his influence, such as it is, to intimidate Left Blogostan into a quivering reign of fear is simply laughable -- a paranoid fantasy that wandered away from Free Republic.com and was adopted by some silly little Ivy League boys who've decided they like how Karl Rove plays the game and want to get in on the fun.

It gets even better. I love me some Billmon.

I've been watching this little wannabe scandal with some amusement. I'm sure it's not fun for Kos and Jerome (and Steve Gillard, who had fake emails printed in his name), and I know it sucks for Matt who had to shut down his email list as a result of all this, but I can't get it up to care.

In fact, I don't think anyone outside the political media establishment cares about this; so I say fuck 'em. I know there are a lot of people trying to play/change that game, and I respect the hell out of that, but really... The future's out here where the people live. At some point you've got to be able to write off those half-bright power-geeks. Keep building your organization (which is made out of people, not pages in The New Republic) and good things will continue to happen.

