"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Watching the Words (Politicalingus)

ABCNEWS.com : Bush Attacks Kerry on National Security:

President Bush on Saturday ridiculed what he called the "Kerry doctrine" as a dangerous outsourcing of America's security, seeking to poke a hole in Sen. John Kerry's debate performance with what advisers see as his rival's biggest miscue.

(emphasis mine -oj)

This is interesting. Outsourcing is one of the poll-tested hotbutton words this election. It tweaks that old-school isolationist place in some people's medula oblongottas.

The really interesting thing is that Bush apparently didn't use the word, or at least he's not quoted as saying such. The AP reporter apparently just decided independently that it made a good descriptor. Any bets on whether or not that phrase "dangerous outsourcing" appeared in the GOP spin sheets yesterday, probably as a response to Kerry's use of "outsourcing" to describe Bush's decision to use Afghan warlords rather than US Forces to go after Al-Qaeda at Tora Bora?

