"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Voted Early Yesterday

Check the Cali voter guide, y'all.

In a voluntary open-sourcing of the great tradition of secret balloting, here's how I voted:

  • Dem Primary: Obama. It's an easy call w/Edwards out. I won't feel terrible if Sen. Clinton pulls it out, but I dislike the dynastic aspects of her campaign, and have more peer-weight pulling me towards Barack. California is a showdown state for the two of them, so I'm happy to lend my weight to the cause of a Black President.
  • Prop 91 (Transportation Funding): No. This is apparently a vestigital ballot measure with it's original supporters saysing it's no longer necessary as law.
  • Prop 92 (Community College Funding): Yes. The upcoming demographics for California project rising college-age population. Keeping community colleges both well-funded and affordable is especially important over the next 10 to 20 years. They fill a really important part in the educational spectrum, and frankly I'd like to see more ambitious uses of CC facilities and institutions.
  • Prop 93 ("Term Limits"): No. As the quotes indicate, I don't believe this is about term limits. It's a technical change to existing term-limit law that on the surface makes them tougher, but in practice would expand the terms of many incumbent state assembly/senate members, who are the ones who put it on the ballot.
  • Props 94 - 97 (Indian Gaming Agreements): Yes. I believe there is spiritual irony and justice in the ability for Native peoples to swindle the white man with the benefit of the one-armed bandit. More power to them.

The little election office over in Eureka is a pretty quaint and friendly little place, and the workers there are very nice and accommodating. As a first-time early-voter, I have to say the whole thing was pretty swell.


Easy call for Obama with Edwards out? Hey man, Gravel is still on the ballot.

FWIW, I caucused for Edwards in Iowa when my main man Dodd was deemed non-viable, if only because I wanted Hillary to finish third. After the caucus, though, I discovered Gravel. Unlike Edwards, Gravel may actually be in this until the convention. He's also calling for impeachment and about a million other sane things. I guess when your candidacy's neck is on the chopping block, it doesn't hurt to have your balls there too. I don't care if I'm charging windmills, because the windmills are fucking bastards.

Ho ho.


(That said, I don't blame you for voting Obama: looking at the possibility of two Hillary terms, I don't think I could stomach 28 consecutive years of Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton in the White House.)
