"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


A kos user called Cardinal96 writes his/her first ever diary: The Day I left the Republican Party was Today

I can no longer in good conscience defend this Administration to my friends and colleagues. I am convinced that this Administration is willing to say anything and manipulate data to get policies implemented which will be harmful to this nation.

I checked the user comments. They go back to last December and many of them are critical of other posters being over the top (e.g. wishing Cheney dies of a heart attack). Seems legit, and it jives with the way the zeitgeist seems to be trending.

In case you haven't been paying attention, Bush's second term is starting out with the distinct odor of political runiation. Many of the scandals and issues kept at bay (read: out of the public eye) by the longest election ever are still there, and his initial proposals -- Social Security Reform, Perminant Tax Cuts For The Already-Wealty, Massive Budget Cuts -- are falling flat, even with republicans.

It's an ill wind over there. Their operation seems to be coming apart at the seams and their coalition of traditional conservatives, imperialist neo-cons, the moral minority and Big Business is starting to crack. Bush could become a lame duck by the end of his first year in office.

I have to say; I didn't see that coming. But there it is. Power reveals.

