"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Star Wars III

Revenge of the Sith is the best of the new-school, but still falls short of the glory. The pacing still seems off -- or maybe I'm too old to keep up? -- and the over-use of massive/complex digital effects seems more distracting than useful for the most part. Like Episode II, it felt a bit like a video game. Also, the political aspects that everyone seems to be playing up were pretty hamfisted, I have to say. There's just not enough depth in the film to really make you believe that anyone really believes all that much in anything, and you end up just waiting for the next duel.

Anakin Hair, like me!That said, it was good entertainment. Also, I have Anakin hair. Or Anakin has Josh hair. I just need to perfect my smoldering gaze, score a big hooded robe, maybe get back into the gym for four months or so and find a way to put a cleft into my chin, and I've got a halloween costume all set. To the extent that looking like a pop culture icon helps build relationships quickly, this could be my ace on the road this summer. We'll see.

