"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Sprung II

Walking to the BART this morning with Zack, we coincidentally fell in behind this woman. I'd noticed her the day before working in the coffee shop -- not the one I mentioned in the blog, but one I noticed. She was tallish and willowy, with a slow long stride. Reminded me of this British woman that worked with Jeremy a couple years ago (fall 2002; an interesting time) who'd I'd been all into. Victoria. At the time Jeremy shut me down. "Bad Josh," he said when I asked if she had a boyfriend.

Anyway, it took me a while to remember that this is the girl I was being reminded of; all the while walking and talking behind her, feeling the vibe. She went to the BART also, and there was seemingly significant eye contact on the platform... but also good discussion with Zack and early morning blearyness so I wasn't about to make a move. Still, the vibe was there, sure as its ever been. Who knows what might have happened? I was legitimately attracted. How often do I piss and moan about how that never happens? Hope opportunity knocks again.

Thinking about that Victoria girl on a plane ride to Colorado -- where I blog from now on MfA retreat -- stirred up an interesting other memory. That little crush was all around the first anneversary of September 11th. Real tense time. I remember on the actual anneversary I was biking over the Queensboro bridge. It was a beautiful day, and there was this businessman walking toward me carrying a flag on a stick, just holding it up, smiling, kind of giving strength to people. That was one of the last times I remember being actively happy to see the flag in action. Strange confluence of springtime thoughts, but it's late and I'm dealing with a high altitude environment.

