"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Reading the Right

The Prank Monkey turned me on to The Daou Report, which is a bit like Technorati except somehow captures the essence better.

It's always interesting -- though sometimes depressing -- to read right-wing politics online. For instance, I remember Moxie when she was a Doc Searls fan, and before the headline of her blog called liberalism a mental illness.

Being down in the trenches of politics for the past year seems to have kept me insulated from the day to day polarization we've got going on in America. I mean, I generally tend to ignore Television and I don't see much point anymore in getting excited over what Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, or Rush Limbaugh opine or publish. So I suppose it's surprising to look out and see people -- real people who I know are complex and sophisticated beings -- turning into hackneyed political carictatures. It's kind of sad.

And then there are really interesting things, like this entree on the shameless nature of our society. I really think a vibrant entry into the philosophic realm is what's needed to get some good mojo going in American politics. I'm probably too young and wild to have much of a dent in the mainstream for a wile, but politics is a long game, and I'm happy to keep pushing my message on the frontier for now. I think things are headed in this direction anyway. Consider it homesteading.

