"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Neil Drumm Is Fucking Famous

Drummy tells it like it is in a video interview. Rock on Drummy.

As a tangent: there's building hype around the concept of "Web 2.0." This is mostly a phenomena of marketing, in spite of all the efforts to put engineers and geeks front and center. That effort itself is a sales tactic: geeks have more credibility than execs and VCs, and execs and VCs aren't stupid. They know when to get out of the way. Anyway, it's not like all this will really matter in a few years. Implicit in the notion of anything 2.0 is that 3.0 should be along real soon now.

Which isn't to say that a new consciousness about users and interactivity online isn't breaking over many commercial enterprises. That's real. But I don't think it's going to make anyone rich in the long run because really it's raising the common denominator. Stuff that people call "Web 2.0" will soon be assumed, like air conditioning in the South. It enables a whole slew of other things to happen, yeah, but in and of itself it's not a huge profit center.

And in a way, I think that's good. Infrastructure is about Value, not Profit.
