"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Moore Endorses Clark

Wes "The Other White Meat" Clark has netted a high-profile endorsement of his own. Probably better than Madonna, he's scored the backing of Michael Moore.

I don't knock Mike for making his choice. Everyone's got to do it. I disagree with him that Clark is the best man to go up against Bush. He's a political rookie. The last time he was in the thick of it (after his September announement) his campaign imploded rather quickly. I also have heard from a number of sources that Clark is personally not very... trustworthy. His policies sound good on paper, and his resume is absolutely amazing, but I can't shake my sneaking feeling that Clark is just another hack.

I also don't think he's going to implement the structural change that the political system requires. I don't see Clark as empowering people, or doing very much to decentralize and distribute political power; his whole campaign is based on the idea that we need a hero, that the country needs a knight in shining armor to ride in and solve all their problems, that only Clark can carry the day. I don't think we need a hero. I think we need to become our own heroes. That's how we save the damn world; if you want something done right, do it yourself.

For full disclosure, I don't like Michael Moore the personality. He's a good film maker, but as a political operative he reminds me of no one more than Rush Limbaugh. He's our Rush, so I kind of like that he's there, but doesn't mean I take him seriously. He does some good things, but I don't think he's especially politically savvy or insightful. I don't think he believes in people. I think he's part of the Liberal Aristocracy that kind of sees the country as stupid, and I don't think he does anything to try and raise the common denominator or really get people to think independently. So take that into account when you weigh my assessment.

This probably helps the General among the kids, but I disagree that Clark is our best candidate against Bush. This is no time to send up a rookie.

