"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Money and War

Daily Kos || Woodward on 60 Minutes: Following the Money (and Oil Prices)

Just a quick note on the "where's the outrage" tip. Bob Woodward is kind of a sellout in my eyes, but he draws a lot of water out in DC. His new book has some unsettling things to say about Bush's white house and the run up to our current war. Nothing we haven't been saying for the past year or so, but when Bob says it people listen. The part I found most interesting was the fact that months in advance of actual invasion, Rummy appropriated $700M that congress passed for Afghanistan to build infrastructure in Kuwait.

I dunno. Seems like the kind of thing people should be angry about. While we're at it, up to 25% of the $18B currently earmaked for "reconstruction" is going to pay for mercenaris, and Bush still hasn't submitted his 2004 budget for Iraq to congress. But I've long ago given up trying to gague public opinion in this country, so we'll just have to wait and see how it plays.

