"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Long Night

We streamed Al Franken tonight o'er on Music for America. Worked out pretty good. I'll be catching the 11:10pm train back home. No sleeping pad in the office and I've got my bike here so that means I can be in bed by 12:30; normal time for me.

Wondering if Hunter S Thompson was right about politics being better than sex. I've been not the most libidinous creature lately, despite fairly ample opportunity. I still get pulled into a cuddle now and again, but I'm not jazzed and hungry about things the way I remember being a year ago. Maybe it's just not my time. Maybe I want something more. Maybe I have too much external stress.

In any event, after the past few days and this evening, I'm glad I had a couple Pabsts in the fridge at the office. Back to the grindstone tomorrow and every day after. This weekend I'm hoping to get nuts and let my hair down some. Next weekend I'll be in Minneapolis and the weekend after, Seattle. Duty calls. This youth politics thing ain't gonna come together on it's own.

