"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Impeachement Redux

Posted a little while ago about the possibility of impeachment. There's a good post from a couple days ago by Markos explaining the political logic behind not wanting to go that route.

I pretty much agree. Vengence is petty; better to be forward-looking. However, I think it's important to point out that the very real potential for impeachment can work for us. It spices things up. I think the term "impeachable offense" might have some currency. It juices the atmosphere, heightens the circumstances, creates drama. Those are all things that will need to happen if the Democrats are to build a narrative that can re-align American politics.

That's really what I'd like to see: a new political consensus that repudates the "conservative" movement and its propagandists, breaks up the existing Republican coalition of (Big Business, Big Jesus and the War Freaks) puts non-machine Democrats in positions of power, and lets honest people take charge of the GOP for God's sake. Having an unpopular President Bush to "kick around" for three more years will help this effort greatly.

Once we can force Rove out of Washington, Bush really becomes a tool for us. His visage will be a brutal implement with which to whip the fatbacks, greedheads, pentagon cabalists and creepy preachers into submission. These people somehow got the idea that they're entitled to run this country into the ground just so they can get One More Fix, so that they can get off and be "proven fucking right" before retiring to their gated paradises of choice. Fuck that. They need to be shown the revolving door on a one-way basis. Many careers must end, not just the President's.

Let's not turn Bush into a scapegoat. He's part of the disease, but cutting him out isn't the cure.

And yeah. President Cheney? I'll pass.

