"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

I'm Missing the Boat!

My pipe-dream blog service is whithering on the vine. New blogs this week:

Wes "Caddyshack" Connley:


Hello. Meet our gang, The Four Horsemen of Clamidia.

And via Wes's blogroll, a taste of the more literati Jeremy "Slarz" Slusarz:

Though the signs may have been there for some time (and, admittedly, they were) this weekend the evidence is simply incotrovertible, and I have had to well up the courage to admit to a serious problem. My building has a hippie.

The problem, I now believe, centers around the apartment directly under mine. A little while ago the quiet, keep-to-herself law student vacated one of the bedrooms (in hindsight, a regrettable loss, though I hardly knew her from Eve). Ever since, little shreds of evidence have been materializing and, in my horror, I think I may have slipped into a state of denial not unlike those that often accompany genocide. ("What? No. I not see. What? Paramilitaries? Groups of Serb soldiers wearing Adidas track pants shoot farmhouses weeth assault rifles? Me? No, I not see. You see, I just seemple farmer.") Denial, however, is no longer an option.

This past week has seen the appearance, in the bedroom window directly beneath mine, of a series of colorful, psychedelic, colorform-like decals, all depicting dancing bears, smiling skulls, psilocybic mushrooms, and the like; the type of nonsense that an 18 year old college freshman from Ohio might festoon the windows of her room in "the Towers" with in order to lend the place a more personalized air for her first year at "State." Later in the year she'll lie back, and, as some Abercrombie-ed human meatball with lingering acne and Natural Light breath paws her with all the grace and sensual dexterity of a sandhog, she'll gaze up at those stickers on the windowpane and think to herself, "My, what a long strange trip it's been..." Ugh.

While I'm excited to continue reading and enjoying both these fantastic efforts, I can't help but feel the same way about all my talented friends starting blogs as I do about any of the half-baked ideas I've spitballed which someone else has turned into a sizable chunk of Venture Captial. I'm simultaniously excited to see the ideas come to life, and yet I feel the need to boastfully claim some non-ownership ownership. I was there when...

But yeah, I bought Jeremy slarz.com back in 2002 as a christmas or birthday present. He'll be a fantastic blogger. My only question is, why you gotta bag on the sandhogs?

