"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

If The Shoe Were On The Other Foot

Theocrat Leader James Dobson is soft on Foley. Matt Drudge blames the "16-year-old beasts" How's that for moral clarity?

Can you imagine what the response would be like if it were a liberal Democrat, maybe Barney Frank, who had this sort of scandal surface?

There would be calls for blood. People would mean it.

Now, it's to the credit of progressives that we've matured beyond enacting or calling for mob justice on Rep. Foley -- and people who point out that this behavior eminates from repression (which we're also past, at least on the Gay thing) have a strong point -- but whenever I feel a twinge of guilt about this, I think about the fact that this guy is a world-class crepazoid, and I think about what kind of heaven-rattling bile Matt Drudge, Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly and all their little Leutenants would be spiewing if the shoe were on the other foot.

And then I think: go get 'em.


All I can say is wow! You had to expect the subdued nature from Dobson, the last thing he and the GOP wants is to call more attention to this...which is why it's amazing to see Drudge out there like that. I had to rub my eyes, because for a second I thought he'd somehow stopped being a GOP pundit and started in as the spokesman for NAMBLA. Let's forget for a second that the pages don't really appear to be initiating the sexual tone of the conversation, and that they are being influenced by a person who has been held up as a bastion of respect and power to them, but just remember that he's an adult, and no matter who is initiating, he's probably breaking the law. Then, you have Drudge, who after those comments, probably belongs in a cell with Foley. The spin masters are sure doing a piss pour job of containing this one. I didn't think I'd get a X-mas present this early.

FWIW Drudge is now backpedalling on this it seems, helping to push (along with the right-wing Washington Times) the "resign, Mr. Speaker" line.
