"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

How Great Ideas Are Borm

[09:41] franz  so what about this gravel cat?

[09:41] franz  is he the none of the above candadite

[09:42] josh_k  oh man

[09:42] josh_k  he's the love child of Kucinich and McCain

[09:42] josh_k  and from Alaska to boot

[09:43] josh_k  I could actually see it being a lot of fun to start a grasroots support base for him

[09:43] franz  thats what i am thinking

[09:43] josh_k  lots of good video out there, etc

[09:43] josh_k  gravelrocks.com

[09:43] franz  i see him as a potential stalking horse

[09:44] josh_k  with a lot of cursing

[09:44] franz  i know

[09:44] josh_k  "Tired of the bullshit? Mike Gravel will drop the hammer!"

[09:44] franz  that sparta clip had it going on

[09:44] josh_k  sparta clip?

[09:44] franz  where he talks about gays in the military

[09:44] franz  and he says the spartans were a little gay

[09:44] franz  and that made them better warriors

[09:44] josh_k  telling it like it is

[09:45] franz  because they had a deep emotional connection with their fellow soldiers

[09:45] franz  well

[09:45] josh_k  straight outta socrates

[09:45] franz  i am glad that somebody is willing to talk about the millitary industrial complex

[09:45] franz  i think that this guy could get up to 12%

[09:45] josh_k  indeed

[09:45] josh_k  and that would shift the debate


[09:46] josh_k  that could be the headline

[09:46] josh_k  like

[09:46] josh_k  let's not pretend

[09:46] josh_k  we're doing something we're not

[09:47] franz  so he is a protest candidate

[09:47] franz  and we can be good dems and support who the nominee is

[09:47] franz  we have done it before

[09:47] josh_k  indeed

[09:47] franz  but until than

[09:47] franz  fuck it

[09:47] franz  keep shit real

[09:47] josh_k  word

[09:48] franz  maybe i have been watching to many of the RATM clips from coachella

[09:51] franz  he could be the eugene mccarthy to gores rfk

I'd like to note that on the Spartans tip, while the Army hasn't taken the step of encouraging homosexuality, they have fully-embraced the rubric of small-unit-cohesion as a motivation for fighting. My man Lande studied this as part of his inquiry into Carnal Sociology. Told me all about it.

Basically, as opposed to patriotism or nationalism, which are much more spotty and fallable motivators, if you get a group of solders to really care about one another (by keeping 100 to 150 of them in close social contact through formative physical and emotional experiences) and you have a command and control apparatus that can then place that group in a situation where they must kill to survive, they're remarkably and reliably effective.


Gravel on The Colbert Report Tonight!

Guess what wonderful framework is behind gravel2008.us?

Go Gravel, Go...
