"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

How Do You Spell "Wolverines!" In Arabic?

The Washington Post has hired a 24-year-old GOP activist and former hefe of RedState.org to write an official blog, entitled "Red America." In his innagural post, he bites the "MSM" hand that's now feeding him by way of their lack of recognition for the classic 1980's Cold-War survival fantasy, Red Dawn:

Any red-blooded American conservative, even those who hold a dim view of Patrick Swayze's acting "talent," knows a Red Dawn reference. For all the talk of left wing cultural political correctness, the right has such things, too (DO shop at Wal-Mart, DON'T buy gas from Citgo). But in the progressive halls of the mainstream media, such things prompt little or no recognition. For the MSM, Dan Rather is just another TV anchor, France is just another country and Red Dawn is just another cheesy throwaway Sunday afternoon movie.

I love this movie for it's supremely over-the-top portreyal of the anti-communist, anti-gun-regulation mindset, and for the high-quality youthful performances from Swayze, Charlie Sheen and Jennifer Grey. However, the last time I saw it, I was struck by something else.

The whole second act is about this group of teenagers who have fled the invasion of their hometown, taken to the hills outside, and are ambushing supply convoys with RPGs, roadside bombs, and other looted weapons. That remind you of anything else that's going on in the world right now?

I find it kind of ironic that conservatives remain ignorant of the mirror-world parallels that have emerged 20 years later, except this time we're the imperialist aggressors. Not that I'm suggesting a moral eqivalence between US forces occupying Iraq and the bad guys from a cheezy 80's action movie, but the echoes of current reality made the film somewhat less campy-enjoyable for me.

