"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

The Green Manalishi

First of all, three cheers to Franko for scoring a job with the NY Dean campaign. Color me jealous. Not that I don't like my job out here, but he's getting into the belly of the beast for real. I maintain my involvement --though I've been having to ease my way out of many focal positions as my free time disappears -- but strictly as an amateur. I helped Howard2 get bayarea4dean.com up, but mostly I've been working on my own stuff.

Speaking of which, we did a big upgrade on the MfA site. Check it out; read our sterling and unvarnished analysis; groove to our tunes. Get excited.

I've been doing a lot of code lately, and not a lot of writing in english. There's so much content waiting to come out, but I'm not quite there yet. Blocked, stuck, stricken with some hesitation. Dean's rolling on course to the nomination, which I cheer with all my might from the sidelines. My political focus has broadened; the goal now is to prepare firtile ground for the general election, to drive the movement forward and usher new participants into the fold.

Oh, and Axiom is going on without me. Nothing could thrill me more.

