"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Got Paranoia?

With the decay of the right-wing-revolution becoming more and more apparent all around, some of these movement conservative leaders and agitators are starting to loose their focus.

This is truly disgusting.

That's right, the drug-addled children of Marxists who somehow still control our government are too weak to confront "The Muslim Threat" and we should just kill 100 Million of "them" or so... and by the way this Duke rape case is and example of a "dirtbag whore" making accusations and wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the "lesbian feminist movement."

Oi. I would call this shit just plain crazy if it weren't so ugly and venomous and listened to by about eight million Americans on a weekly basis. If the hegemon becomes most militarily active in its period of decline, there must be some parallel for the cultural warriors within a political movement.

This campaign season is going to get ugly.

