"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


Vagabond Opera show was fffantastic. I now crave a friday-night booking at the 330 club so we can really do it up right. More on that later. For now, I give you a link. It's about politics, but I'm linking because it's a great piece of Gonzo Jounrnalism from a fellow traveller:

Matt Stoller rides "The Debate Train to Crazy-Town".

Truly, he must have been visited -- just for a minute -- by the ghost of HST, spiritual godfather to all bloggers.


Maybe it'll come out in the debate tomorrow, but I think a major opportunity has been missed in such a wide open, wild race.

That being finally taking on the horrendously treyf idea that we can either allow encroachments on our civil liberties or die in terror attacks.

I know, I know. Lieberman is reviled and the attempt at his toppling is really supposed to be a referendum on Iraq. And boy does Stoller show that revulsion.

But, I dunno, if I was forced to choose one paramount issue, it would be civil liberties. Maybe they're not as flashy as Iraq and wouldn't win Lamont the support he's getting now, but I know I'd certainly want that to be the debate.
