"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

An Exercise in Super-Local Outreach

I believe in the power of technology to organize political campaigns and discourse, but there comes a point were the meat comes into play. That time is now. My man Frank is in Southeastern Iowa campaigning for my man Howard Dean. I'm helping in what capacity I can from Spaceship San Francisco. If you are a Dean Supporter and you want to do something, help me help Frank. He's looking to get people in his precincts to take the plunge and go out to caucus. It's all about making the connection with them; helping them find one another, helping them feel like it's important enough to take the time out to do it.

So here's the deal. You get in touch with me (or Frank direct) and we write very very very targeted letters. We talk about how our good freind Frank is working hard in their area, and how it would be just so amazing if these people could get a group of people together to caucus, and how Frank and his cohorts will do whatever it takes to help them get there.

I'm going to write my letters this afternoon and I'll post my talking points here as a jumping off point for y'all. My thinking is that if we can get 10 friends of Frank to write 2 letters each, we might be able to swing 3 or 4 Iowans into going out to caucus. If we can do that, we can give Frank a major boost in his efforts.

