"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

BassMaster Bush (redux)

Me on Music For America back in April: BassMaster Bush

insurgent with an ak

Part of me is horrified by what is going on in Iraq right now, worried about friends and just people in general. Another part of me can't resist pondering the political implications. I'm wondering how the decision to run with the BassMaster angle will effect Bush's re-election chances.

I just saw John Stewart air a little piece lampooning Bush's appearance on the show. I noticed it back in April when the current Iraqi insurgency first showed its face. Bush continued his extended photo op and vacation through the weekend.

Anyone else remember this?

Bush fishing

Stewart didn't mention this little tidbit, because maybe it would have been a little too sad, or perhaps too wonkish. No matter. The whole of the show was fantastic, and I respect and admire their amazing talent for blending popular politics and comedy in such an entertaining and revealing way.

As it happened, Dan and I were just getting ready to listen to some Black Sabbath (with emphasis on the sabbath), when Zack and his mom Rhonda came in. She'd never seen the Daily Show before, so they stayed and watched, and we all laughed. It was fun.

The whole experience makes me want to watch television again, or at least reminds me that there is such a thing as "good television." And also reminds me there's some good viedo you can, watch online.

Currently listening: !!! -- Pardon My Freedom off Louden Up Now. "You can tell the President to suck my fucking dick." Yes indeedy, culture and politics are coming together and the consensus is that Bush must go.

