"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Art School And Empire

In the comments below, the dirty one writes something worth a frontpage reply:

I’d say the most suprising things is that you paid all that money for a college degree and you misspelled Wolverines. However, you do make a point about our imperialist tendences. I would ask one question though: which method of imperialism is more damaging, our bombs in Iraq, or the horrible blight on the world that we call Walmart? Fact: I was reading the base paper today, and the phase “The sun never sets on the USAF”, was included, talk about Irony.

Hey man, thanks for the catch on spelling.

It's a well known fact that I paid all that money to go to faggy-ass art school (i also made that website), and that my primary education doesn't teach you to read, so I had to learn it on my own. Just like you had to sometimes shoot food off your back porch, except with more priviledge and artsy-fartsy crap for me, and more stacks of Club International for you. It's a rich tapestry.

And you're correct about Walmart and the like, although I think the aims of most of those really big multinational corporations -- and the individuals who run in those circles -- in many ways represent the emergence of a new interest, distinct from the traditional "National Interest" that traditionally drives imperial expansion (e.g. the interests of the Crown, Napoleonic Code, the Reich, etc).

One could argue that the US military-industrial-complex, resource-extraction enterprises (read: oil, but also some other stuff) and the institutional powers pushing the Globalized race to the bottom for labor, crap products and mass consumer debt (Wall Street, Wal*Mart, Not-Quite-So-Red China, Big Media) are working together to bring about some kind of hellish NEW WORLD ORDER!

But that would be paranoid.

State of Jefferson here I come: back-porch deer and faggy-ass arts education for all!

