"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Another Blast From The Past

I referenced this in the lengthy piece below, but for those who don't click "read more" and/or didn't click through in the array of links I laid down, here's something I remembered in all my nostalgia. This was made four years ago:

What I decided to attempt instead was to create a sort of combination "state-of-the-union" and "active-citizenship primer" for the emerging virtual nation. I say emerging, because as hot-shit as all the wall street boys think the internet is now, just wait another five or six years. If things go the way of cheap universal open access and not the way of monopolistic proprietary gold digging, the denizens of the net will be more numerous, more capable and more powerful by several orders of magnitude.

That's from the "about" page of Denizens, something I created instead of a final paper in one of my last classes at NYU. Re-reading it makes me wish I'd kept more of my academic work from that period, purile as much of it might have been.
