"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

And In Support Of Continuing The War

Louis Rossetto, founder of Wired Magazine on the invasion/occupation of Iraq:

1. Did you support the invasion of Iraq?

Yes, both the one that didn't happen in 1991 and the one that did in 2003. But Iraq is not the war, it is a battle. The war is The Long War against Islamic fascism.

2. Have you changed your position?

If anything, I believe even more strongly in actively combating Islamic fascism throughout the Global Village. Everyday is Groundhog Day for the anti-war movement, which is stuck re-protesting Vietnam — while we are confronted by a uniquely 21st century challenge: a networked fascist movement of super-empowered individuals trying to undo 50K years of social evolution. Waiting to get hit by an NBC weapon is not an option. Dhimmitude for me or my children is not peace. Righteous forward defense is a necessity.

3. What should the U.S. do in Iraq now?

The US should persevere militarily until we defeat the fascists in Iraq, as we did in Afghanistan, as we must everywhere. The US's biggest failure has not been on the battlefield — where we are relentlessly reducing our enemies — but in waging media war against the Islamists and their fellow travelers on the Left, and in rallying the American people, who are confused, and perhaps angered, that once again we are being called upon to save the world.

I think that's borderline insane. It's not the only questionable drop in the bucket. Deep Thinker (and Conservative Blogger Grandaddy) Gleynn Reynolds answered #3 with only one word "Win." Period. That's a brilliant strategy, Professor. This is a war, not a comment thread on slashdot. At least over there it would have some humor to it:

  1. Whip Up War Fever with Anneversary of 9/11
  2. Make A Phony Case For Al-Qaeda Connections
  3. Steamroll the UN
  4. Invade
  5. ???
  6. Profit! Greeted as Liberators!

Discovered via crooked timber.

