"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."


In a rare and unalloyed real win for The Good Guys, a scummy local politician in the Bronx was upset and housed by a do-gooding up-and-comer who I'm one degree of social separation from. It is, indeed, a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Last time I was in NYC I remember @Baratunde coming by Rina's place with a crew after canvassing for Rivera. Tired and sweaty but real. Reminded me what it was like to actually work for a campaign for a hot minute. It's frackin' great they made it over the top — the guy they beat was a scumbag — and I was subsequently inspired to tithe, and opened my wallet for some other deserving efforts.

This November's election is going to be weird. Obama and team D are blowin' it, but the Tea Bag Express is also pulling back the curtain and exposing the massive insanity which boils beneath the robotic biege surface of the Republican party. My great fear is that the Republicans don't gain control of anything — remaining an effective petulant minority — but make inevitable numerical gains, which leads to even more timidity and watered-down-ness from the Democrats, which means nothing gets done, which mean shit still sucks, which means a real possibility for President Palin.

Which would be pretty bad, yo.

So here's hoping the Democrats lose some weak sheep, hold majorities, have a "learning moment" about how to function in an oppositional system, and start actually getting shit done and making a clear case as to why they're better. You know, the whole "There's a war going on and the poor can't win" thing. For serious.

Also: recommended listening, Atomic Bomb. Onyeabor. Boom.
