"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Meta Blonde Joke

As an inverse to the "end of the internet" joke which was funny, here's a good one:

Best Blonde Joke... EVER!

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Great Moment From BarCamp

Aaron and I were just talking about this from BarCamp a couple weeks ago. There was one session which was a "realtime Ruby on Rails development demo" where the crowd would give a task and the coder would make it happen in Ruby on Rails (with his workspace on the projector) while we all ate lunch. Interesting idea.

The coolest part wasn't just that the guy did the task (he did; Ruby is cool), but that there were two other kids off on the side who sort of announced as the end of lunch drew near, "hey are you done yet? Team JavaScript is almost ready."

JavaScript, for non-nerds, is the redheaded stepchild of web-programming languages. But they made it happen in the same time as the Ruby on Rails (the flashy new thing) developer did. Granted these guys were serious JavaScripters, but nevertheless, it was a great moment.

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Stanford iTunes U

Pretty interesting: Apple and Stanford teaming up to put lectures, symposeums, etc online for audio consumption.

On the one hand this is great because it open sources knowledge. Good move by Standforf. Hopefully other universities follow suit, and someone sets up an independent service to aggregate and rate the content so that people can skim the cream for distance learning. Dunno how Apple's DRM would affect these kinds of second-generation uses, but hopefully people will hack around it where needed.

More colleges and educational institutions should get on this bandwaggon. I could see some really interesting educational work being done here. By the time I have adolescent kids it could be a whole new ballgame. Pretty exciting.

On the other hand, the marketing edge is pretty consumer-elitist. "Your classes are iPod ready!" Though I suppose anyone who's going to Stanford probably has a computer and probably an iPod too.

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Today in Information Freedom

Bumped, because someone did something awesome:

Bert Gonzo Protest

Well, like I say, the kids are allright. CNN story. Link via Zack.

Now for some unhappy news. Google KowTows to the Great Firewall of China, taking steps to censor its search results (and presumably all it's other services) for it's Chinese-language version. Leading american corporations continue to prop up a repressive regime in the name of profit.

In light of the fact that China's Communist Party maintains control through a stranglehold on information as much as through brute force (they're a very 21st-Century autocracy), this is also worth noting: the White House is witholding any documentaion of its response to Hurricane Katrina, and will not make time for any staff to testify before Congress. Yeah, because, you know, what your King President did in response to a cataclysmic natural disaster is, like, none of your business. He has the divine right executive priviledge.

Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I was reading last night about young reform-minded people in Iran, how far up shit creek they are. These are people who are my age and younger, being followed around by paramilitary police, getting dragged out of their houses at night and tortured in secret prisons, all just for wanting to be journalists and maybe question the the unquestionability of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Poor bastards.

Though on the other hand: T-Franks says WMD attack == Military Government, which would probably suck ass. That link goes to the wingnuttarific NewsMax, so be forewarned.

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Today in Information Freedom

Bumped, because someone did something awesome:

Bert Gonzo Protest

Well, like I say, the kids are allright. CNN story. Link via Zack.

Now for some unhappy news. Google KowTows to the Great Firewall of China, taking steps to censor its search results (and presumably all it's other services) for it's Chinese-language version. Leading american corporations continue to prop up a repressive regime in the name of profit.

In light of the fact that China's Communist Party maintains control through a stranglehold on information as much as through brute force (they're a very 21st-Century autocracy), this is also worth noting: the White House is witholding any documentaion of its response to Hurricane Katrina, and will not make time for any staff to testify before Congress. Yeah, because, you know, what your King President did in response to a cataclysmic natural disaster is, like, none of your business. He has the divine right executive priviledge.

Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I was reading last night about young reform-minded people in Iran, how far up shit creek they are. These are people who are my age and younger, being followed around by paramilitary police, getting dragged out of their houses at night and tortured in secret prisons, all just for wanting to be journalists and maybe question the the unquestionability of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Poor bastards.

Though on the other hand: T-Franks says WMD attack == Military Government, which would probably suck ass. That link goes to the wingnuttarific NewsMax, so be forewarned.

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Civ 4 Mac Edition in June

Raaaar! June 1st? They said before "early 2006." Fuckers. I'm more tempted now to fileshare it when it comes out.

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Civ 4 Mac Edition in June

Raaaar! June 1st? They said before "early 2006." Fuckers. I'm more tempted now to fileshare it when it comes out.

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9 days to internet at home

Well, it only took me 4 hours on the phone and a faxed utility bill, but Time Warner and Earthlink will soon be feeding my info-jonze.

This will be good news for my productivity, espeically on side-projects. I have a hard time getting any real work done without being online, and having the ability to hang out at home and do that will be nice again. As it is, once I'm done with Trellon work I'm generally so fed up with wherever it is I'm hanging out that I go straight home.

Plus I've calculated I can save about $40 a month by not buying coffee and bagels at various cafes every day (I'm avging close to $10/day in food and tips!). Even if I only work at home 3 days a week, the cost savings on food alone will offset the cost of data.

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Brokeback Mountain

So I stole and watched Brokeback Mountain last night. It's a pretty good movie. Ang Lee is a good director, and Heath Ledger (who I only know from A Knights Tale) turned in a very unexpectedly stellar performance. Everyone else is good too, and the music is well used, and that great Western scenery adds a lot to the mix.

My only quibbles are that they didn't do such a great job of consistantly aging Ledger and Gyllenhaal with makup/costume. In some scenes they really do look 35 and haggard, and then in the next the babyface is back. Also, the film would have probably had a stronger emotional hook if I didn't already know the major plot theme. The essence of the drama is in uncertainty and denial and secrecy, so it would probably hit harder if the whole thing came more unawares.

Still, it's a good movie, deserving of audience and accolades. In terms of awards, I think the film probably got some votes for being so "brave," rather than so "good," but I don't know if any of the nominees are really any better. I didn't see Match Point, but between Brokeback, The Constant Gardner, Goodnight and Good Luck and A History of Violence, it's really a toss up. They were all good, and all sort of slow and not really revelatory. It wasn't a great year for movies.

Finally, the right-wing hysteria is clearly overblown, and actually a little bit sickening. I can't wait for my generation -- which, because it is largely tolerant and rational does not worry about the gay -- to sweep these fear-filled stuck-in-adolescence jackoffs out of the public square.

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Mean Old George Clooney Made Jack Abramoff's Kid Cry

Clooney made a little jab at Jack Abramoff at the Golden Globes, here's the video. On schedule, Jack Abramoff's father, Frank, says that the joke (pretty tame stuff, pointing out that being named Jack with a last name that ends in "off" is weird) made Jack's son cry. George Clooney doesn't respond himself, but his father does:

Clooney’s father, Nick Clooney, told the newspaper: “I understand what it is like to have one’s son criticized in a very public way. It’s very painful and it’s very difficult.”

He added, “The difference here, and it must be said, is Mr. Abramoff’s son, instead of pursuing some positive efforts to do what he hoped would change the climate of the American politics, has confessed and has been convicted by that confession of subverting the political process.”

First of all, it shows a certain amount of political sophistication on the Clooney's part to have dad answer dad. Secondly, Frank Abramoff sounds like he's still in denial:

“Your words were deeply hurtful to many innocent and decent people,” Abramoff wrote. “One day the truth about my son will come out and there will be a lot of people in your industry and others lined up to apologize for their efforts to destroy him and our family.”

Dude, Frank... your son has admitted to criminal charges. He's admitted he's guilty of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials. You think that might have something to do with why your grandson teared up? I mean, Clooney might have been the trigger, but don't you think the knowledge that his father intentionally and maliciously corrupted the integrity of the United States Government (in a time of War no less!) might have a little to do with it?

Just as a for-instance, here's something Abramoff did: he took millions of dollars from China, pocketed a good chunk, and used the rest to convince people in Washington DC to prevent US Labor laws from applying to some of our South Pacific island territories near Guam. The upshot being that Chineese businesses could operate sweatshops there who's products could be fraudulently labelled "Made in the USA."

He's admitted to doing these things and has been working with investigators to report on who he bribed and how in order to keep his own ass out of jail.

Maybe this turn for state's evidence will be seen as heroic by future generations, but I think that's unlikely. It seems that Frank Abramoff has yet to accept the fact that his son criminally corrupted our government. Making a joke about someone's name may not be the nicest thing in the world, but it falls a few million rungs further down the moral ladder of wrongness.

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