"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Old Man River

The year is underway. 2005, still without a name, but picking up steam nontheless. The rainy season continues here in San Frisco. Cars and trucks on wet road sound like a rushing river when they're steady. I need to do post-christmas gift shopping for my family before heading up to Oregon next week. Must make list; surgical precision-strike shopping.

Other things to do:

  • Make a powerpoint presentation/movie explaining ideas for next-gen online organizing
  • Start working on reviving axiom, start up an email list or something
  • Re-design and transition outlandish to civicspace/drupal
  • Start outlining online tools for Road Trip website
  • Figure out how to make some more money between now and May to pay for the trip

And how to integrate these things? How to start pushing politics, art, tech and friendplans into the same whirly mix? There's synergy in there someone. It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

