"Undermining my electoral viability since 2001."

Monday Oversleep

I don't know what my problem is. There's no shortage of deadlines, projects, fun things to do and things that must get done, and I still can't consistently get out of bed before 11am. This is going to be problematic sooner or later. I can only hope that my newly renewed Parks Dpt. Membership and the relative proximity of the metropolitan rec center will help in solving this.

Update: Oh yeah!
40 minutes in the weight room and then 8 virtual miles (and 300 real calories) burned on the stationary bike. Feels good, though I expect to be pretty sore tomorrow.

My overall physical fitness has improved slightly since I got back here. I ride a lot more and a lot harder, but I think on balance I also consume more bottled bread -- so much good slavic beer in greenpoint, not to mention that large bottles of Pabst are now ubiquitous and 99-cents -- and have a generally poorer diet than I did in California. Greasy chineese; greasy chicken; greasy pizza. I love it all, but it's hardly healthy.

But I think overall the move from relatively inactive to relatively active lifestyle has netted me some gains. My legs are getting taut and my back a little stronger; I figure busting into the weights and having a stationary cycle to burn calories on might be just the thing to get my metabolism (and attitude) adjusted. If I can hit it three days a week between now and the exodus, I should be in pretty good shape for the road, too.

Plus is will be good to get some righteous sweating going on again. In San Francisco, there was twin peaks. Here there can be dizzying sprints up or downtown, but it's hard to keep up with the lights for more than 30 blocks or so, and traffic will inevitably slow you down a little. For pure exertion burning, there's nothing like the recumbent stationary cycle. Rev the human engine. Probe the cardiovascular limits. I'll hit it up this evening and see how it feels.

